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icon TDG Collection Index


By: Capt Timothy E. Barrick

Situation The Krulian Army imvaded Napa a week ago in a surprise attack that quickly overcame the weak Napian Defense Force and seized Napa's Capital,...


Trouble at Checkpoint 14

By: Capt James B. Woulfe

Situation You are a supply corporal in the MEU Service Support Group (MSSG). The MEU came ashore 6 days ago to assist nongovernmental organizations (NGOs)...


Ambush in the Square

By: Maj John F. Schmitt, USMCR

Situation You are the leader of 1st Squad, India Company. Your platoon is conducting a security patrol through a suburban area of Old Town as...


Long Night for the Boat Company

By: Capt Michael J. Targos

Situation You are the commander of Company C, the boat company for Battalion Landing Team (BLT) 1/2. The BLT will be landing across Red Beach...


Attack on Rommerbach

By: Maj John F. Schmitt, USMCR

Situation You are a colonel commanding a task force of roughly battalion strength that includes 2 U.S. Marine light armored reconnaissance (LAR) companies, Alpha and...


Battle at Blackwood Creek

By: Capt Joseph A. Craft

You are the section lead for two F/A-18C aircraft assigned the mission of close air support (CAS) in support of lst Battalion, 5th Marines (1/5)....


Poachers by the Bank

By: Dr. Andrew H. Hershey

Situation You are the leader of 3d Fire Team. Your squad is going to provide left flank security during the company's movement to an attack...


Bridgeton Crossing, Part IIa

By: Maj John F. Schmitt, USMCR

Like TDG #98-6, this scenario is a continuation of TDG #98-4, "Bridgeton Crossing," based on the author's solution to that problem published in MCG, Jun98....


Bridgeton Crossing, Part II

By: Maj John F. Schmitt, USMCR

This scenario is a continuation of Tactical Decision Game #89-4, "Bridgeton Crossing," based on the author's solution to that problem published on p. 83 of...


Trouble at the ORP

By: 2dLt Paul C. Merida

Situation You are a squad leader leading an ambush patrol through wooded terrain, which usually limits visibility to 50 meters or less. In addition to...


Bridgeton Crossing

By: Dr. Gary Klein, Michael McCloskey, Marvin Thordsen, David Klinger, and Maj John F. Schmitt, USMCR

Situation You are a rifle company commander in lst Battalion, 3d Marines. Your company is mounted on AAVs and has been reinforced with a tank...


A World of Hurt

By: Staff, Marine Corps Gazette

Situation You are a platoon commander in Company K, 3d Battalion, 8th Marines. Attached to your platoon is one squad from the machinegun section of...