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icon TDG Collection Index

Trouble in Barass

By: Rittmester Patrik Schaathun, Norwegian Army

Situation The battalion you command is part of a Marine expeditionary brigade (MEB) spearheading the United Nations operation in Barass, a Third World country torn...


Platoon Lost, Position Unknown, Situation--We Are Winning

By: Maj Michael J. Targos

Situation You are the commanding officer of Bravo Company, Ist Battalion, 2d Marines (1/2). The Marines have landed in the country of New Sherman in...


Another Day Afloat

By: LCpl Kevin M. Charkowske

Situation You are the commander of a Marine expeditionary unit (special operations capable) (MEU(SOC)) sitting 25 miles off the coast of the country Exbeyond. Exbeyond...


Encounter on the Coast

By: Capt Gregory A. Thiele

Situation Four days ago, the country of Green invaded its southern neighbor, Orange. The army of Orange had little notice of the attack and was...


Kill All the Lawyers?

By: Maj Cody M. Weston

Situation You are a rifle platoon commander for Fox Company, Battalion Landing Team 2/1, 13th Marine Expeditionary Unit (Special Operations Capable) (13th MEU(SOC)) operating in...


Sergeant, You Have Your Orders. Carry Them Out, Now!

By: MSgt William D. Lohan, USMC(Ret)

Situation You are the company gunnery sergeant of Headquarters Company, 3d Assault Amphibian (AAV) Battalion. The battalion has been assigned to the Ist Marine Division....


Give No Quarter?

By: Staff of the Center for Law and Military Operations and Headquarters Marine Corps, Judge Advocate Division, International and Operational Law Branch

Situation You are an infantry company commander for Fox Company, Battalion Landing Team 2/2, 26th Marine Expeditionary Unit (Special Operations Capable) (MEU(SOC)) operating in the...


Island Takedown

By: Maj Douglas J. MacIntyre

Situation The time is now 1630, Wednesday. You are the battalion commander of 1st Battalion, 2d Marines (1/2), an east coast unit deployment program infantry...


ECC at the International School

By: Capt Sean P. Smith

Situation You are assigned to the Marine expeditionary unit (MEU) service support group (MSSG) evacuation control center (ECC) team as one of the section noncommissioned...


Peace Enforcement in Intolerancia

By: Rittmester (Cavalry Captain) Patrik Schaathun, Norwegian Army

Situation You are the platoon leader of a rifle platoon. Your battalion is part of a multinational peace enforcement (PFOR) mission to Intolerancia, a nation...


Fight or Flight

By: Capt Curtis E. Moore II

Situation You are the section leader of a pair of AH-lW Super Cobras on an armed reconnaissance mission. Each attack helicopter's weapons load consists of...


Command and Control Fog

By: Capt Eric J. Lehman

Situation You are commanding a detachment of Marines assigned to a joint task force (JTF) conducting humanitarian relief operations in the drought stricken country of...