icon TDG Collection Index
icon TDG Collection Index

Dull Garrison Chronicles Part V: Company Assault

By: Carl F. Kusch

This is a continuation of the TDGs presented in recent months. As a general review, the commander, 26th Marine Expeditionary Unit (MEU) was ordered to...


Dull Garrison Chronicles, Part IV: Take the Airfield

By: Carl F. Kusch

Situation As the commanding officer BLT 2/8 (part of 26th MEU), you and your command are feeling pretty good about yourselves after Company G was...


Dull Garrison Chronicles, Part III: Last Stand

By: Carl F. Kusch

This is a continuation of TDG #92-3. The enemy is continuing to press its assault of Dull Garrison Island. Against overwhelming odds and in the...


Dull Garrison Chronicles, Part II: Buy Us Some Time, Lieutenant!

By: Carl F. Kusch

Situation This is a continuation of TDG #923. You are the platoon leader for the 3d Platoon of the 3d Special Infantry Company of a...


Defend the Airfield, Part I

By: Carl F. Kusch

Situation Beginning with the fall of communism in the early 1990s, the past several years have witnessed tremendous changes throughout the world. You find yourself...


Ambushed En Route

By: Capt Carl W. Schwamberger

You are the commander of a Marine artillery battery of eight M198 howitzers. Your battalion is part of a brigade-sized task force exploiting past a...


Rescue the Ambassador!

By: Carl F. Kusch

Situation You are the commanding officer Company G, Battalion Landing Team (BLT) 2/8, 26th MEU(SOC) currently embarked aboard amphibious shipping on your regularly scheduled deployment...


The Short End of the Stick, Part II

By: Capt Bruce I. Gudmundsson, USMCR

The Tactical Decision Game (TDG) is a follow-on to TDG #91-10 which was presented in detail in MCG Oct81 and discussed on the preceding pages....


Ambush at Dusk

By: Capt John F. Schmitt and SSgt Henry E. Johnson

You are the squad leader of 1st Squad, 1st Platoon, Company C, 1st Battalion, 9th Marines. You are fighting in a tropical jungle against guerrilla...


Short End of the Stick, Part I

By: Capt Bruce I. Gudmundsson, USMCR

The Situation Since we landed eight days ago, the operation has been going well. We quickly gained air superiority. Our mobile forces-mounted in light armored...


The Attack on Narrow Pass-Continued

By: Capt John F. Schmitt

This scenario is the continuation of TDG #91-3, "The Attack on Narrow Pass," published in the March 1991 issue, and is based on a common...


Coca Strike

By: Capt James R. Finley

The Situation You command Company K, 3d Battalion, 4th Marines. As part of a multinational operation, you are patrolling a rural area in the nation...