icon TDG Collection Index
icon TDG Collection Index

The Defense of Schmitt Pass

By: Capt Eric M. Walters

This particular tactical decision game (TDG)-unlike all its predecessors-puts more emphasis on the rationale behind quick decisionmaking. Readers are still asked to formulate their initial...


Luis Ridge

By: Capt Bruce I. Gundmundsson

It was the kind of war that nobody, except perhaps a few grizzled veterans of the great conventional wars that had ended more than 50...


Encounter at Effingham

By: Maj John F. Schmitt, USMCR

You are the commander of 1st Battalion, 24th Marines. Division has been attacking steadily north against weakening enemy resistance; your regiment has been advancing rapidly...


Spartans at the Bridge

By: 1stLt Brendan B. McBreen

Situation The division is deep in Spartan territory in a wilderness of thick forests and muddy roads. You are fighting a numerically superior force of...


Battle of the Dadmamian Swamp

by Maj John F. Schmitt, USMCR You are the commanding officer of 4th Marines, which consists of two battalions on trucks, one battalion on assault...


Counterattack at Libertyville

By: SSgt Henry E. Johnson

Situation You are the company commander of Company A, 1st Battalion, 2d Marines. Your company consists of three rifle platoons and a weapons platoon mounted...


The Best Laid Plans

By: Capt Bruce I. Gudmundsson, USMCR

This game is a continuation of Solution A, TDG #92-11. The orders reached all of the major subordinate elements of the battalion by 2200. By...


Battle of the Garagiola River Revisited

By: Maj John F. Schmitt

The scenario for this game is the same as TDG #92-10, only it is seen this time from the enemy's point of view-i.e., with the...


"Welcome Back!"

By: Capt Bruce I. Gudmundsson, USMCR

For some weeks now, considerable American forces have been involved in a conventional campaign against a regional power. Thanks largely to the skillful use of...


Battle of the Garagiola River

By: Maj John F. Schmitt and SSgt Henry E. Johnson

Situation You are the commander of an infantry regiment advancing generally west along the lakeshore to reestablish contact with the enemy. Your regiment, the 2d...


Dull Garrison Chronicles Part VII: The "Guts" of BLT 2/8

By: Carl F. Kusch

Situation This is a continuation of the Dull Garrison Chronicles and takes place on the same terrain encountered in TDG #92-5. It is the last...


Dull Garrison Chronicles Part VI: F-O-X Spells Relief

By: Carl F. Kusch

Situation The 26th MEU has been directed to retake Dull Garrison Island from the forces of BAD in order to rescue the beleaguered Marine garrison...