
Scuttlebutt Ep 163: Ukraine Update with Col Chris Woodbridge

Hey, Scuttlebutt listeners. Thank you for joining us and your continued support. It’s been a while since we did an update on the war in Ukraine and as the major media outlets have shown us, you can’t do a Ukraine discussion without a retired Col in attendance. So, we brought in our own Editor-In-Chief, Col Chris Woodbridge back to the show to help legitimize us. It goes without saying that the war has gone on a lot longer than most would have predicted while at the same time, there have been some moves that no one saw coming. After spring and summer offensives that have spent a ton in the way of blood and treasure but do not seem to have yielded the same in territory gained, the Russians are gaining ground in the south while the Ukrainians have punched through in the north, penetrating in the Kursk region of Russia, which is fascinating being that this is the site of the Battle of Kursk, a major battle between the Nazis and Soviet Union during WWII, the largest battle in the history of warfare. Every time Col Woodbridge comes on the show, we learn something.
