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Maneuver Warfare

Letter to the Editor

by William S. Lind In response to LtGen Robert B. Neller’s letter commenting on “The Attritionist Letters” (MCG, Junll), let me quote MajGen Mike Myatt, who commanded 1st MarDiv during

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Parting Reflections

There is room for some serious improvement in the Corps

[...] I write with genuine concern not contempt. [...] I would love to think everything I write about here goes without saying, given that we have all read Marine Corps Doctrinal Publication 1, Warfighting, at some point. When I checked into the Marine Corps Recruit Depot, Parris Island, in 2008,

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The Opposing Ideas


In the past few months the Gazette pages have been the location of an interesting debate that centers on the predeployment training program (PTP), certification of operations officers and, depending on how you look at it, necessary guidance to or lack of autonomy of subordinates. The central point

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Maneuver Warfare in the 21st Century

The continuing study and conduct of war

[...] destroying the enemy's command and control structure was essential to the success of the operation. [...] critical to our success is the understanding of the changing relationships between the forces at play; if not, we will be forever mired in the old think of the past and unable to adapt

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The Marine Corps of the Future

Its role in U.S. national defense

3 Given the difficulty that U.S. forces have had in Iraq and Afghanistan in rooting out the insurgents from among the civilian population, it is likely other opponents will present us with the same problem in the future. Fire support agencies will have to examine their organization and equipment

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The Attritionist Letters (#7)

Trusting one another

[...] perhaps I should be pleased that you are referring matters great and small to me. If trust between subordinates and seniors is an absolute requirement for maneuver warfare, then the maneuverists occupy an even weaker position than they know.

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The Attritionist Letters (#6)

Eliminate maneuver warfare concepts

The answer lies no doubt in the inability of regimental, battalion, and company commanders to competently implement the commander's intent from higher headquarters. [...] the most senior commanders have no choice but to dictate and institutionalize standardized procedures that restrict subordinate

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The Attritionist Letters (#5)

Words mean things

Confused officers will look for answers they can understand - clear answers that attritionists will be able to provide. [...] far we have been extremely successful in this arena.

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The Road to Hell

Training management skills versus policy

The goal of the PTP was not to reduce the role of the battalion commander in training his unit, but this has been the unintended outcome. Proper supervision should take the form of the senior commander and members of the staff visiting the subordinate unit, often unannounced, to see what is going

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Rebutting the Rebuttal

Letter to the Editor

by Capt Andrew J. Graham In “Embrace Maneuver Warfare: A rebuttal” [MCG, JunlO), Maj Jason W. Heuer writes a counterargument to my February 2010 article, “Embrace Maneuver Warfare: The DS

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The Attritionist Letters (#3)

Do as you're told

[...] a results-oriented (and dare I say career-minded) individual assumes tremendous risk if he leaves subordinate commanders to interpret his guidance. [...] I hope you will agree that it is far better for a senior to eliminate all doubt and ensure that subordinate commanders execute guidance as

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