icon Maneuver Warfare Collection

Understanding Maneuver as the Basis for a Doctrine

War is about fighting. War is by nature a bloody business. Many of the critics of Maneuver mistakenly believe that Maneuver advocates units "running amok" (as a critical article in the Gazette recently put it), running circles around, bypassing, enveloping the enemy, and in the words of one general

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Maneuver Warfare

Letter to the Editor

by Col Larry S. Taylor, USMCR The reappearance of B. H. Liddell Hart in the pages of the Gazette (May90) brought to mind a potential solution to a problem that

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A Marriage of 2s and 3s

The fog of war, present as always in combat, seems to have overcome the 1st Marines' ability to exploit the gap in the North Korean defenses. As the 1st Marines closed on Yongdungpo their momentum slowed. While the North Koreans sought to regroup and launched hasty counterattacks, [Lewis B. Puller]

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Artillery in Maneuver Warfare

This article addresses the role of the field artillery in maneuver warfare. My proposition is that the historical standard missions of Marine Corps field artillery contain no bias that automatically predispose the arm to any style of warfare. The arm, outrageously efficient in killing, is uniquely

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Maneuver Warfare in Commercial Board Wargames

Even if you're a serious student of military history or an advanced tactician, you can have your problem-solving ability thoroughly challenged by the kinds of games this article describes.

Shaping the battle. You must get yourselves oriented to the situation so you won't flail around getting oriented when the unexpected happens. Look at the gameboard (terrain). Look at the victory conditions (your mission). Look at your forces (troops available). Look at how many turns the game or

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Communications and Maneuver Warfare

Maneuver warfare places unusual requirements on the unit communications officer in lerms of organization, equipment techniques, and leadership. No longer can the communications officer be content, or be forced, to chase the arrows of up and down radio nets. He must think in terms of his frontage,

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The Great FMFM 1 Debate

Is There Anything New Here?

The maneuver advocates certainly cannot argue that the history of war has been one purely of brute strength and mindless attrition waged by Neanderthals-although certainly examples of this do exist. There have been maneuverists throughout the ages. In fact, it seems to me from my readings that the

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Our Warfighting Philosophy

Commentary on Warfighting

Samuel Griffith, author of Sun Tzu, The Atr of War, notes that Sun Tzu "did not conceive the object of military action to be the annihilation of the enemy's army, destruction of his cities, and the wastage of his countryside." In Sun Tzu's feudal age his goal was to overawe and assimilate his

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Critique of FMFM 1, Warfighting

Problem. First, we have the earlier problem of a faulty definition of "war", when "conflict" would have been a better and broader term. Second, we don't want to run the risk of abdicating our responsibility to continue to inform our political masters that we are not chameleons. What we have been

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A Primer on Maneuver Warfare

Maneuver warfare is not a strange, new, nor alien subject, but one we have encountered before-one we can readily grasp.

Long before I turned the pages of Sun Tzu, long before my father blew the dust off Rommel's Attacks, even before I had a teacher introduce me to Machiavelli, I learned some of the nuances of maneuver. Years before a single trophy graced the shelf in my bedroom, I felt the blows from not running

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Comments on Logistics

Command Report

We've begun campaign planning in the Marine Corps. The Marine Corps has a campaign plan; each Fleet Marine Force has one; each Marine expeditionary force has one. Campaign planning must become second nature to us-a tool to force us to look at the operational level of war. Campaign plans are, to a

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