icon Maneuver Warfare Collection

Examining Our Warfighting Doctrine

Book Review

The close of the last decade and the start of this one witnessed an amazing resurgence of thought in military circles concerning strategy and the operational art. The concept of the "indirect approach" has been reborn in the creation of what the Marine Corps has coined "maneuver warfare" and the

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The Theory of Maneuver in USMC Doctrine and Force Structure

1992 Chase Prize Essay Contest Honorable Mention

In the premaneuver Marine Corps, combat experience provided the institutional lens through which warfare requirements were evaluated, justified, and codified into doctrine and force structure. Today, the Corps has formally adopted the theory of maneuver. In contrast to our past, maneuver theory

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Tactical Decision Games

Letters to the Editor

by Capt Nicholas Ferencz III It was with great interest that I read Maj Marietta’s somewhat tongue-in-cheek assessment of TDG #92-10. (MCG, Jan93). As a former artilleryman turned aviator, I

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Commentary on Amphibious Operations

Letter to the Editor

by Maj F. G. Hoffman, USMCR . . . Much of the Navy’s ignorance of, or seeming indifference to, amphibious issues, which was noted by Col Batcheller, may stem from

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Employing the Defense in Maneuver Warfare


A full 22 centuries ago, Hannibal engaged in a military campaign in Italy lasting 15 years. Fighting both the weather and the Gauls, Hannibal crossed the Pyrenees and the Alps in 218 B.C., arriving virtually undetected in the Po Valley of northern Italy. There he engaged and defeated every Roman

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Maneuvering Blind

The ACE cannot function effectively as a maneuver element until the Corps has restored its organic target acquisition capabilities.

The excellent article by Maj Thomas X Hammes (MCG, Feb92) came closest to this fact by clearly identifying the need for increased intelligence capability within the ACE to enhance its ability to perform the observation-orientation-decision-action loop functions fundamental to maneuver warfare. He

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Military Theory

Letters to the Editor

by Maj W. J. Quentin, USMC(Ret) Maj Andrew D. Walker’s article, “An Alternative to Maneuver Warfare” (MCG Nov91), is a thoughtful and excellent piece, but I think it is poorly

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A Need For Frank Discussion

Letter to the Editor

by LtCol G. I. Wilson The letter from the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff (MCG, Oct91) was refreshing and gives a valuable perspective regarding the “eclipse” of the

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An Alternative to Maneuver Warfare

Military Theory

To use maneuver on today's and tomorrow's battlefields, the preparation of the battlefield is crucial. It is only through the disabling of the enemy's ability to fight that maneuver becomes viable. The disabling or neutralizing of the enemy's components of warfare is done by applying the friendly

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Observations on SWA

Letters to the Editor

Capt Paul E. Bowen, USMCR BGen Paul K. Van Riper’s “observations” hit right down the middle in describing the personnel problems and material shortfalls discovered during the “staffing up” and

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MLRS and Maneuver Warfare

Before developing a Marine Corps concept of MLRS employment, we must first examine how the MLRS would be employed and integrated into the maneuver warfare concept. By its very nature, MLRS would lend itself readily to employment as a GS weapon system with which the maneuver commander can influence

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