icon Maneuver Warfare Collection

Beyond C2

A concept for comprehensive command and coordination of the Marine air-ground task force

Certain characteristics are central to the development of the doctrine, organizational structures, training and education, equipment and support mechanisms that will create and sustain a capability for comprehensive command and coordination of the Marine air-ground task force (MAGTF). A concept

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A Critique of the HUNTER WARRIOR Concept

The worth of the Marine Corps Warfighting Laboratory's first Advanced Warfighting Experiment will be determined largely by the lessons the Corps decides to draw from it.

Schmitt has serious reservations about the HUNTER WARRIOR concept. It is not a true operating concept, but a technical concept, and it is incompatible with the Marine Corps' own existing doctrine.

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Building Decisionmakers

Educating junior NCOs as decisionmakers is pivotal to the sucess of maneuver warfare.

Glasgow argues that educating junior noncommissioned officers as decisionmakers is pivotal to the success of maneuver warfare. Officers should be forced to make decisions often and on demand.

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The Marine NCO

Winning the three-block war

Black argues that it would be easier to win the three-block war, in which Marines will be dispersed within the battlefield simultaneously conducting operations across the compressed spectrum of conflict, if more time and effort were devoted to the development of small unit leaders, specifically

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OMFTS: Innovation, deep maneuver, and aviation

Is a naval expedition task force-one made up of (1) a MAG TF organized around light armor, (2) amphibious forces capable of seabasing, and (3) carrier air trained particularly for littoral campaigns-the operational level capability that had been missing from the inventory of U.S. forces? These authors think so. What do you think?

A naval expedition task force may be the key to operational level capability that had been missing from the inventory of US forces. Concepts that are key to the Marine Corps' Operational Maneuver From the Sea are discussed.

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Mobility Requirements and the 21st Century MAGTF

Focusing on the operation level of warfare changes the characteristics needed in vehicles and other key hardware. It's important to identify these changes as soon as possible.

The contribution of operational level mobility to the Marine Corps Operational Maneuver From the Sea is discussed.

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An Implementing Concept for Operational Maneuver from the Sea

Ship-to-Objective Maneuver

An implementing concept for operational maneuver from the sea, the process of landing troops, in the USMC is offered.

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Unified Effort in Support of Dominant Maneuver on the Joint Battlefield

Learning to function effectively in the joint environment requires adjustments, not the least of which is strong, effective liaison.

The lessons of operations in the Persian Gulf, Grenada and Haiti are examined.

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MCDP 1 Approved

The USMC Commandant on Jun 20, 1997 signed "Marine Corps Doctrinal Publication (MCDP) 1, Warfighting," which provides the authoritative basis for how Marines fight and prepare to fight.

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MCDP 2 Approved

The USMC recently published and approved "Marine Corps Doctrinal Publication (MCDP) 2, Intelligence," which provides a conceptual framework for the understanding and practice of effective intelligence.

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Information Superiority

LtGen Paul K. Van Riper appeared before the Procurement Subcommittee and Research and Development Subcommittee of the House National Security Committee in Congress on 20 March and made the following statement concerning information superiority.

by LtGen Paul K. Van Riper Introduction Mr. Chairman and members of the committee, let me begin by expressing my appreciation for having this opportunity to speak to you today.

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