The Best Laid Plans

by Capt Bruce I. Gudmundsson, USMCR

This game is a continuation of Solution A, TDG #92-11.

The orders reached all of the major subordinate elements of the battalion by 2200. By 2400, the company commanders, as well as the leaders of the TOW Section and 81mm Mortar Platoon, had reported to the command post to tell the commander that their units were on the march.

Around 0200, however, the commander began to receive reports that things were going wrong. The rubber boats in the staging area turned out to be missing critical parts. Precious time was lost “mixing and matching” to make complete boats. By 0400, only four boats had reached Alpha Company. None had been delivered to Charlie Company.

At 0430, the enemy let loose with what could only be described as a hurricane bombardment. Artillery shells, machinegun bullets, and even recoilless rifle shells fell like rain. Those elements of the battalion who were dug in suffered little from this fire. Bravo Company, on the other hand, was caught in the open. Although the forwardmost boat carriers were less than 600 meters from the crossing points, delivery of additional boats was out of the question.

At 0500, the American bombardment began. Despite a ferocity which rivaled that of the enemy shelling, it brought little relief. Indeed, just before H-hour, the battalion commander found that he could no longer leave the shelter of his hastily dug command post.

It is now 0615. The attack was scheduled for 0530, but was not launched. You are the battalion commander-what are your orders?


In a time limit of 10 minutes, give the orders you would pass to your subordinates. Provide a sketch of your plan, any guidance for supporting arms, and a brief explanation of your plan. Submit your solution to Marine Corps Gazette. TDG #93-1, P. O. Box 1775, Quantico, VA 22134.

Battle of the Garagiola River Revisited

by Maj John F. Schmitt

The scenario for this game is the same as TDG #92-10, only it is seen this time from the enemy’s point of view-i.e., with the roles reversed. The games stand alone and can be played in any order-but both should be played. The purpose is to illustrate the importance of trying to understand an enemy by seeing the situation through his binoculars.


You are the commander of the 9th Marines advancing generally east along the lakeshore as part of the division. Your regiment includes the 1st and 2d Battalions on assault amphibious vehicles (AAVs) and the 3d Battalion on trucks. For the last 10 days the division has been advancing against an enemy tank-mechanized force of regimental strength. This enemy has been waging an effective and clever delaying action, fighting tenaciously from delaying positions, making effective use of terrain and supporting arms, but disengaging and falling back before the division can bring about a decisive engagement. Frustrated over the rate of advance and inability to force the enemy into battle, the division commander moves your regiment into the lead and attaches a tank battalion. His instructions to you are: “Attack aggressively, force a crossing of the Garagiola River as quickly as possible to facilitate the continuation of the advance, and crush the enemy force opposing us once and for all. The 4th Marines will be ready to reinforce and exploit your success.”

Intelligence indicates that the enemy has fallen back through Tragedia and Garagiola and is preparing positions along the Garagiola River, which has steep banks that make it impassible to any vehicles. As your leading mechanized battalion approaches Checkpoint 68, you receive a report of enemy light-armored infantry (with antitank missiles) at Tragedia. Within the next half hour your regiment will be engaged. What are your orders, Colonel?


In a time limit of 10 minutes, give the orders you would pass to your subordinates. Provide a sketch of your plan, any guidance for supporting arms, and a brief explanation of your plan. Submit your solution to Marine Corps Gazette, TDG #92-12, P. O. Box 1775, Quantico, VA 22134

“Welcome Back!”

by Capt Bruce I. Gudmundsson, USMCR

For some weeks now, considerable American forces have been involved in a conventional campaign against a regional power. Thanks largely to the skillful use of precision munitions, such as fiber-optic guided missiles, combined with a ruthless willingness to exploit success, American mechanized formations have been able to destroy the bulk of the enemy’s armored forces. Logistic problems, however, prevented the complete route of the enemy army. As a result, it was able to establish itself in a strong position behind a major river and the many canals that run roughly parallel to it.

For 8 days, as American forces built up stocks for an assault across this defensive line, the enemy has been preparing his defenses. Large numbers of motorized infantry units armed with machineguns, mortars, recoilless rifles, and other weapons of 1960s vintage have been mobilized and brought to the front. Some are composed of overage members of the People’s Guard, who have long forgotten what little training they may have received. Others, however, have been recruited from well-trained members of an ethnic minority with a proud martial tradition.

Your battalion, the 1st Battalion of the 25th Marines (1/25), took part in the opening phases of the campaign. After a week’s worth of rest and refitting, you were returned to the front. To your surprise, you discovered that there is to be a major offensive to break through the enemy defensive position and that your battalion is to participate.

The main effort of the attack is elsewhere. Your job, and that of the other Marine infantry battalions in your sector, is to attack south across the canal to (1) deceive the enemy as to the true location of the main effort, (2) attract enemy operational reserves, and (3) secure crossing points for the possible shifting of the main effort.

Your particular mission is to cross the 100-meter wide canal that separates you from the enemy and take the wooded heights east and southeast of the village of Gloria. (These terrain features, like the one bridge in your sector, are named for the village.)

It is now 2000. You have just received your orders. “H-hour” is at 0530 tomorrow morning. Your battalion is in billets 6 to 8 miles to the north. You have also been told that you are to be provided with enough rubber boats to transport simultaneously two of your rifle companies across the canal. These have been staged in a wooded area about a kilometer north of the canal.

“H-hour” will be preceded by a fierce air and artillery bombardment that will begin at 0500. At 0530 this fire will shift to targets south of the line Carera-Betancuerto. An artillery liaison officer from a direct support artillery battery and two artillery forward observers have been assigned to you. The first thing that the liaison officer tells you, however, is that priority of fires have been given to your neighbor on the right, 2/25. (This also explains why your air liaison officer never returned after his recent visit to wing headquarters.)

You have a standard Marine infantry battalion organized according to current tables of organization and tables of equipment Each rifle company has received rubber boat training.

What are your orders?

Note on Terrain and Weather: The ground slopes up on both sides of the canal. In the immediate vicinity of the Gloria Bridge, the dominant terrain features are the south to north ridgeline to the east of the village of Gloria and the south to north draw to the west of Gloria. In this immediate area, the Gloria Heights rise about 40 meters above the level of the banks of the canal. The bridge has a capacity of 30 metric tons. You are operating in temperate country that, were it not for the complete absence of shopping malls, could easily be confused with northern Virginia. The month is June. The weather has been seasonably warm and dry, with sunny days and pleasant evenings. No rain is expected for 3 or 4 days.


In a time limit of 10 minutes, give the orders you would pass to your subordinates. Provide a sketch of your plan, any guidance for supporting arms, and a brief explanation of your plan. Submit your solution to Marine Corps Gazette, TDG #92-11, P. O. Box 1775, Quantico, VA 22134.

Battle of the Garagiola River

by Maj John F. Schmitt and SSgt Henry E. Johnson


You are the commander of an infantry regiment advancing generally west along the lakeshore to reestablish contact with the enemy. Your regiment, the 2d Marines, includes the 1st and 2d Battalions on amphibious assault vehicles (AAVs) approaching the Garagiola River, the 3d Battalion on trucks at Androida, and a tank battalion east of Androida. Steep banks make it infeasible for your AAVs to swim the river. The regimental TOW platoon is distributed equally among the three infantry battalions. Your mission is to defeat any enemy forces in your sector, or, failing that, at a minimum to delay and disrupt the enemy advance.

For the last 2 weeks you have been facing large enemy mechanized forces and have been forced to fall back in the face of superior numbers, slowly wearing down the enemy while conserving your own combat power. You have learned that the forces you have been facing are from the 1503d Mechanized Division, commanded by MajGen Bludski N. Gutsovich, which consists of a tank regiment and two mechanized infantry regiments. Enemy tactics emphasize attacking aggressively upon contact and maintaining the momentum. The enemy will generally try to overrun resistance with tanks and prefers to dismount infantry only when necessary for close combat.

As your leading elements approach the river, a light armored infantry (LAI) company (reinforced with assault guns and TOWs) passing westward through Tragedia reports a sizable enemy mechanized force to the west approaching Checkpoint 68. The LAI estimates an enemy division with a tank regiment in the lead. At this stage the LAI commander does not believe he has been detected by the enemy. You have an artillery battalion in direct support, but your fire support coordinator assures you he can also get reinforcing fires. Your air officer says he can get you “a couple of sorties of A-6s.”

At this rate, enemy tanks will be approaching Tragedia or Garagiola in about 30 minutes. What are your orders, colonel?


In a time limit of 10 minutes, give the orders you would pass to your subordinates. Provide a sketch of your plan, any guidance for supporting arms, and a brief explanation of your plan. Submit your solution to Marine Corps Gazette, TDG #92-10, P. O. Box 1775, Quantico, VA 22134.

Quote to Ponder:

On Tactics

To move swiftly, strike vigorously, and secure all the fruits of victory, is the secret of successful war.

-Stonewall Jackson: Letter, 1863

Dull Garrison Chronicles Part VII: The “Guts” of BLT 2/8

By Carl F. Kusch


This is a continuation of the Dull Garrison Chronicles and takes place on the same terrain encountered in TDG #92-5. It is the last of the Dull Garrison Chronicles.

Currently, we find that through the skillful efforts of Company F, Battalion Landing Team (BLT) 2/8 has pushed past the village of Al Bandi and is bearing down on the larger town of Al Habib in two separate columns. The provisional rifle battalion (PRB) is desperately short of ammunition, water, and medical supplies and has a growing casualty list well over 60 percent. It is holding out on its last legs in the south central part of Al Habib.

In an apparent effort to eliminate the remnants of the PRB. the enemy has resorted to launching fanatic human wave assaults against the tiny Marine stronghold, while leaving weaker forces to engage and delay our advancing relief column on the outskirts of the town. Although it is thought that the bulk of the enemy’s screening forces are poised on the northern edge of town, it appears that at least four squads are located in the northeast corner.

Recognizing both the nature of the enemy’s dispositions and the urgency of the situation in relation to the PRB. the commander of BLT 2/8 has decided that the quickest way to reach the beleagured PRB is to envelop the enemy’s western flank, employing Company G, which is approaching from that direction in one of the battalion’s two columns. Finally, the battalion commander intends to fix the remainder of the enemy’s screening force in its positions by feigning an attack on the northern outskirts, using both Companies E and F. To this end. Company G has been designated the BLT’s point of main effort. Company G has attached two sections of heavy machineguns (total of four Mkl9/four .50 caliber M2HB) and one section (four launchers) of Dragons. Also available to the company commander are fire missions from the BLTs 81mm mortar platoon and artillery battery, as well as support from one section (two aircraft) of Cobra attack helicopters. Note: The accompanying map only reflects the northwest corner of Al Habib.


You are the commanding officer of Company G. Since time is critical to the survivors of the PRB, quickly formulate your plans and issue your orders. Include an overlay sketch and provide a brief discussion of the rationale behind your actions. Submit your solutions to the Marine Corps Gazette, Tactical Decision Game #92-9, P. O. Box 1775, Quantico. VA 22134. The Gazette will publish the author’s and other solutions in the November issue.

Dull Garrison Chronicles Part VI: F-O-X Spells Relief

By Carl F. Kusch


The 26th MEU has been directed to retake Dull Garrison Island from the forces of BAD in order to rescue the beleaguered Marine garrison and to establish a foothold for follow-on forces. Elements of the 82d Airborne Division have begun to arrive and have taken up defensive positions around DGI Airfield #2. Things appear to be going well in that respect. For a time, the pressure on the flagging Marine provisional rifle battalion had slackened. In an apparent effort to wipe them out once and for all, however, the enemy redoubled their efforts against the garrison‘s shrinking perimeter. The MEU commander, therefore, ordered a relief column to rescue the badly depleted battalion now located at Al Habib several kilometers south of Al Bandi.

BLT 2/8 will execute this mission with only its organic assets. The battalion commander was required to leave his TOWs, LAVs, and AAVs behind for airfield security. You are the commanding officer of Company F (“The Gunfighters”). Your company is assigned as the lead element of one of the battalion’s two parallel columns. Your mission is to proceed south along Al Bandi road, quickly bypassing or destroying any enemy resistance, in order to reach the provisional rifle battalion as rapidly as possible.

Your point has reported enemy activity in and around the small village of Al Bandi. It would appear that there are approximately 50 enemy soldiers armed only with small arms and medium machineguns. Attached to your company is a squad of heavy machineguns (two .50 caliber/Mk19s with component vehicles). You have your 60mm mortars and may call for support from the battalion’s organic 81mm mortars. There are also two sections of Cobras (four aircraft) supporting the battalion’s movement. The rules of engagement state that you may destroy any local buildings only if first fired upon from within, and you must direct your fire only into those buildings in which known enemy forces are located. In other words, you are to minimize collateral civilian damage as much as possible. After all, the civilians are on our side and preservation of community resources will help them to get back to their lives as soon as BAD forces can be driven from Dull Garrison Island.


In a time limit of 5 minutes, decide how you will proceed, deploy your platoon, and issue your orders. Include an overlay sketch and provide a brief discussion of the rationale behind your actions. Submit your solutions to the Marine Corps Gazette, Tactical Decision Game #92-8, Box 1775, Quantico, VA 22134. The Gazette will publish the author’s and other solutions in the October 1992 issue.

Dull Garrison Chronicles Part V: Company Assault

By Carl F. Kusch

This is a continuation of the TDGs presented in recent months. As a general review, the commander, 26th Marine Expeditionary Unit (MEU) was ordered to assault and secure Dull Garrison Island Airfield #2 so it can be used by follow-on forces arriving from the United States. It it believed that the airfield is only being defended by one of the enemy’s small battalions (400 men). The battalion headquarters and one rifle company appear to be located in the village of A1 Joblin. The airfield itself (ATF Obj I) is being defended by a second rifle company. The enemy’s third rifle company is thought to be located near the bridge spanning the North River, which is virtually dry at this time of the year. Three antiaircraft positions have been identified and are depicted on the accompanying map.

To accomplish his mission, the battalion commander assigned Company E the main effort and directed it to land by CRRC over Red Beach (immediately south of the mouth of South Creek) at L -5 hours, and move covertly toward Airfield #2. At L-hour Company E destroy the antiaircraft artillery (AAA) site south of the field and secure the airfield (ATF Obj I), advancing no further than the designated limit of advance (LOA). Company F would land over Blue Beach at L-hour, destroy the AAA site to the north and and assault to secure Al Joblin (LF Obj 1) and the AAA site to the west. The light armored infanty (LAI) platoon will follow in trace of Company F and seize the bridge over North River. A 105mm howitzer platoon will be in position south of South Creek by L-hour.


You are the company commander of Company E. Prepare the order you would issue your subordinates to carry out your mission. Include an overlay sketch and provide a brief discussion of the rationale behind your actions. Submit your solution to the Marine Corps Gazette, Tactical Decision Game #92-7, Box 1775, Quantico, VA 22134. The Gazette will publish the author’s and other solutions in the September 1992 issue.

Dull Garrison Chronicles, Part IV: Take the Airfield

By Carl F. Kusch


As the commanding officer BLT 2/8 (part of 26th MEU), you and your command are feeling pretty good about yourselves after Company G was able to rescue the American Ambassador. The general situation, however, has deteriorated further. The forces of BAD invaded Dull Island and are threatening to overrun the Marine garrison, which has suffered heavy casualties and is now fighting for survival on the outskirts of Al Habib. Furthermore, it would appear that BAD is already reinforcing and fortifying its defense of Dull Garrison Island even while it is attempting to eliminate the Marine stronghold.

The loss of Dull Garrison Island would be devastating to the American effort since access to other possible staging areas has eroded through the neglect of reciprocal defense treaties. Therefore, the National Command Authority has no choice but to order the immediate seizure of that vital island staging area.

It has been decided that the initial attack on Dull Garrison Island will occur at the island’s Airfield #2 in order to (a) relieve pressure on the beleaguered Marine garrison; (b) cut off the airfield through which BAD is bringing in supplies and reinforcements; and (c) provide an entry point for the U.S. forces that will continue the attack and secure the entire island.

In defense of Dull Garrison Island, the enemy has mustered a full division spearheaded by elite Guards and filled out with regular infantry spread throughout the entire island. Fortunately, other than a few antiaircraft batteries, the division’s heavy equipment has not yet caught up with it. Airfield #2 is thought to be defended by a small battalion (400 men) of regular infantry along with three antiaircraft emplacements. (See map.)

Available to provide close air support (CAS) are the the MEU’s eight Harriers and eight Cobra’s. A carrier battle group (CBG) will support the landing from a distance but will be engaged primarily in air superiority and CBG and amphibious task force (ATF) defensive missions. Once the airfield secured, elements of the 82d Airborne Division will be airlifted directly into it (by parachute if necessary). The initial elements are to assist the MEU in strengthening and expanding its foothold. The division will eventually assume the mission of securing the rest of the island. Finally, you are ordered to minimize collateral civilian damage. In support of this effort, the BLT’s specific missions are to:

* Secure Dull Garrison Island Airfield #2 (ATF Obj I) ensuring that the three antiaircraft emplacements are destroyed. The airlift of stateside forces is scheduled to begin a mere 6 hours after the commencement of the assault.

* Secure the village of Al Joblin (LF OBJ 1) in order to destroy the enemy headquarters and combat units located there as well as to prevent any reinforcement of the airfield.

* Seize the bridge over North River (LF Obj 2) in order to block any reaction the enemy may attempt as well as to facilitate future operations ashore.

Because of unfavorable beach conditions, the only suitable landing site for an amphibious assault is located at the mouth of North River, which is dry at this time of year. It is felt that the LCACs and AAVs will have no difficulty in overcoming any sandbars that may be located in this area. Beachmasters, however, will have to determine if an alternate landing point will have to be offset slightly for the LCUs, LCM-8s, and general offload. There are two LCACs and two LCUs aboard the LHA and one LCAC and one LCU aboard the LPD. Company E retains possession of the combat rigid raiding craft. Furthermore, there are only enough helicopters available to lift either one reinforced rifle company or the 105mm platoon of the battery at a time. The BLT is tasked organized aboard ship as follows:

LHA BLT 2/8 Headquarters (-) (rein)

Company G

Artillery Battery (4xl05mm+4xl55mm)

Engineer Platoon (-)

TOW section

3d Squad, Dragon Platoon


Company E

Weapons Company (-)

2d Squad, Engineer Platoon

Platoon LAI



Company F

AAV Platoon

1st Squad, Dragon Platoon

1st Squad, Engineer Platoon


As the BLT commander, briefly discuss your plans for accomplishing your mission to include your task organization for the assault, your sequencing of units ashore, and the broad missions you assign your subordinates. Include an overlay which indicates the landing zones you intend to use, additional BLT objectives that you may designate, and your general scheme of maneuver. Submit your solution to the Marine Corps Gazette, Tactical Decision Game #92-6, Box 1775, Quantico, VA 22134. The Gazette will publish the author’s and other solutions in the August 1992 issue.

Dull Garrison Chronicles, Part III: Last Stand

By Carl F. Kusch

This is a continuation of TDG #92-3. The enemy is continuing to press its assault of Dull Garrison Island. Against overwhelming odds and in the face of heavy casualties, the fight is not going well for our provisional battalion, which has begun to consolidate its survivors into a single perimeter here at Al Habib-a relatively large town and the regional communication and transportation center for this part of the island. The enemy’s main body is still many kilometers to the north but getting closer. Eventually, the enemy’s main attack is expected to come from that direction.

The battalion commander’s plan is to shrink the perimeter and fight a defensive battle within the town itself. The final stand will be a tight “shoulder-to-shoulder” position located at the very heart of Al Habib where the battalion command post (CP) is currently positioned. The 1st Company is deployed on the outskirts of the town and will constitute the northeastern section of the battalion’s perimeter with the 2d Company on the northwestern outskirts. Both will meet in the middle and refuse their outboard flanks. Meanwhile, 3d Company will continue to delay and frustrate the enemy’s main body in order to give the battalion as much time as possible to make these final arrangements. 3d Company will ultimately constitute the entire southern sector of the battalion’s perimeter once they fall back into town.

The 2d Special Infantry Company is currently deployed with its 1st and 3d Platoons positioned facing north and 2d Platoon facing west on the company’s left flank. You are Sgt J. H. Quick, the acting platoon leader for the 2d Platoon. Your platoon sector is shown on the accompanying map. Between being deployed from the States understrength and the casualties you have sustained in the recent fighting, your platoon is down to 20 Marines, many of whom are walking wounded like yourself. Although the company’s attachments from the battalion are located with 3d Platoon, you have been assigned one machinegun squad (two guns) and one SMAW squad (two launchers) from Weapons Platoon.

Since 3d Company is doing such a tremendous job delaying the enemy, your company commander (Lt S. D. Butler, who was your original platoon leader until an enemy mortar attack hit the company CP a couple days ago) feels that he has a little extra time and has called his acting platoon leaders and remaining SNCOs together to discuss the tactical alternatives before he issues his final instructions.


In a time limit of 5 minutes, complete your suggestions for the company commander. Include an overlay sketch indicating the recommended positions for your platoon and provide a brief discussion of the rationale behind your actions. Submit your solutions to the Manne Corps Gazette, Tactical Decision Game #92-5, Box 1775, Quantico, VA 22134. The Gazette will publish the author’s and other solutions in the July 1992 issue.

Dull Garrison Chronicles, Part II: Buy Us Some Time, Lieutenant!

By Carl F. Kusch


This is a continuation of TDG #923. You are the platoon leader for the 3d Platoon of the 3d Special Infantry Company of a provisional rifle battalion, which has been deployed only recently to Dull Garrison Island located in the Indian Ocean. Currently, you are located in the vicinity of the small village of Al Bandi.

The enemy is continuing its invasion of Dull Garrison Island. Against overwhelming odds and in the face of heavy casualties, the fight is not going well for your provisional rifle battalion, which has begun to consolidate into a single perimeter in the hopes that it can hold out until relieved. The 3d Company is being used to establish platoon-sized outposts across a wide front and has been instructed to trade space for time in order to give the battalion an opportunity to prepare its defensive positions.

The north-south road through Al Bandi is just one of the likely avenues of approach for the enemy’s continued advance. The enemy will be approaching from the north. Several hundred meters to the south are other fallback positions for your platoon as well as the company’s command post. The battalion’s final perimeter is located a couple kilometers to the south of those.

Your mission is to establish your first blocking position in the vicinity of Al Bandi. You are to disrupt and delay the enemy for as long as possible at this position without becoming decisively engaged. You are to fall back to your next position either when ordered to do so or when the local situation dictates. Inform the company of your withdrawal. Although most of its citizens have not yet evacuated Al Bandi, the situation has become so desperate that you have been authorized the use of its buildings as part of your position if needed. You have been assigned one machinegun squad (two M60E3 machineguns) and one assault squad (two SMAWs) from Weapons Platoon as well as one heavy machinegun squad (two HMMWVs, each with one .50 caliber M2 machinegun and one 40mm Mk19 machinegun) and one Dragon squad (four M47 launchers) from Weapons Company. For indirect fire, the company’s 60mm and the battalion’s 81mm mortars will be available.


In a time limit of 5 minutes, decide how you will deploy your platoon. Include an overlay sketch and provide a brief discussion of the rationale behind your actions. Submit your solutions to the Marine Corps Gazette, Tactical Decision Game #92-4, Box 1775, Quantico, VA 22134. The Gazette will publish the author’s and other solutions in the June 1992 issue.

Defend the Airfield, Part I

By Carl F. Kusch


Beginning with the fall of communism in the early 1990s, the past several years have witnessed tremendous changes throughout the world. You find yourself the commanding officer of the 1st Special Infantry Company in a provisional rifle battalion that has been formed recently and deployed (without major attachments) on a deployment for training to Dull Garrison Island in the northern region of the Indian Ocean. In part, the deployment maintains presence and replaces the more expensive regular deployment of amphibious forces. It also provides familiarization and training for potential leaders of the local defense force forming on the island.

Even before international sanctions had been lifted, the Southwest Asian nation of BAD had been secretly rebuilding its military arsenal with the intent of avenging the embarrassment suffered at the hands of the United States in 1990-91 and of accomplishing its original objectives of that period, but this time BAD has determined to do it right.

You have been following the message traffic, which states that BAD has invaded its neighbor (the peace-loving nation of GOOD) and the 26th MEU with BLT 2/8 and a carrier battle group has been dispatched to the area.

You are now being told that BAD has the capability to stage limited amphibious and helicopterborne assaults using its elite Guards battalions. Furthermore, it is believed that BAD is planning an assault on the relatively large island of Dull Garrison in an effort to forestall any American effort to redevelop this island as a marshalling area. Faced with this threat, your provisional battalion is directed to deploy throughout the island and attempt to provide security until reinforcements arrive.

Your company is currently located on the southeast coast of the island in the vicinity of one of the island’s three small airfields/landing strips. Your mission is to defend the airfield so that additional forces may be introduced for the island’s defense. You have been assigned one squad each of heavy machineguns and Dragons from weapons company. Your only indirect fire support comes from the battalion’s organic 81mm mortars. Currently, both the carrier battle group as well as the amphibious task force are too far away to provide any support.

Approximately 2 kilometers northeast of the airfield is the mouth of North River, the only suitable landing beach in the immediate vicinity. North River itself is extremely shallow and often dry in this arid land. You are ordered to ensure that your deployment will in no way endanger the lives or property of the good citizens living in the area.


In a time limit of five minutes, deploy your company. Include an overlay sketch and provide a brief discussion of the rationale behind your actions. Submit your solutions to the Marine Corps Gazette, TDG #92-3, Box 1775, Quantico, VA 22134. The Gazette will publish the author’s and other solutions in the June 1992 issue.