Marine Corps 250th Birthday Virtual Run Series
In 2025, we honor 250 years of the Marine Corps‘ unparalleled legacy with a special series of virtual runs. Commemorate our history, endurance, and camaraderie with five themed virtual events that bring our storied battles to life.
Each virtual run honors pivotal moments where Marines stood at the frontlines, showcasing their courage and commitment over the past 250 years.
Sign up today for the full series of five runs and receive a $15 total discount.
Assault on Nassau Run 5K (February 15th)
Fort Fisher Victory Run 10K (April 5th)
Guadalcanal Offensive Run 10K (June 21st)
Battle of Hue Run 6.8 Miles (August 23rd)
Fallujah Freedom Run 5K (October 11th)
Participants who register for the full series will receive the exclusive pins for each individual race.