
Scuttlebutt 1: SgtMaj Justin LeHew Part 1

We had the great honor of hosting SgtMaj Justin LeHew, USMC (Ret) for our first ever interview and it was everything we’d hoped for and more. There is a lot to admire about the character and career of the SgtMaj, but as a fellow amtracker, Vic’s excitement was notched all the way to 11. In this first half of our interview SgtMaj LeHew spoke to us about the advice he received throughout his career and how he was able to lock it away until it was time to use it, his book collection, professional reputation vs expectation, what makes Marines fight harder, and so much more.

Nick and Vic also talk a little bit about the recent pullout of Afghanistan, Marines in Haiti and the F-35.

Scuttlebutt is a production of The Marine Corps Association, produced by Nick Wilson, hosted by Maj Vic Ruble, USMC (Ret) with significant contributions by Nancy Lichtman. Special thanks to Jaci Jedrych.

History Flight:

Recommended Reading from Leatherneck Magazine:

Until They All Come Home: History Flight is Dedicated to Locating, Excavating Remains of Missing Marines

Find the Haystack: History Flight Locates Lost Cemetery on Betio Island, Tarawa

Accounted For – DPAA Strives Never to Leave A Fallen American Behind