Dull Garrison Chronicles Part V: Company Assault
Posted on: May 13,2019Unit / Type:
This is a continuation of the TDGs presented in recent months. As a general review, the commander, 26th Marine Expeditionary Unit (MEU) was ordered to assault and secure Dull Garrison Island Airfield #2 so it can be used by follow-on forces arriving from the United States. It it believed that the airfield is only being defended by one of the enemy's small battalions (400 men). The battalion headquarters and one rifle company appear to be located in the village of A1 Joblin. The airfield itself (ATF Obj I) is being defended by a second rifle company. The enemy's third rifle company is thought to be located near the bridge spanning the North River, which is virtually dry at this time of the year. Three antiaircraft positions have been identified and are depicted on the accompanying map.
To accomplish his mission, the battalion commander assigned Company E the main effort and directed it to land by CRRC over Red Beach (immediately south of the mouth of South Creek) at L -5 hours, and move covertly toward Airfield #2. At L-hour Company E destroy the antiaircraft artillery (AAA) site south of the field and secure the airfield (ATF Obj I), advancing no further than the designated limit of advance (LOA). Company F would land over Blue Beach at L-hour, destroy the AAA site to the north and and assault to secure Al Joblin (LF Obj 1) and the AAA site to the west. The light armored infanty (LAI) platoon will follow in trace of Company F and seize the bridge over North River. A 105mm howitzer platoon will be in position south of South Creek by L-hour.
You are the company commander of Company E. Prepare the order you would issue your subordinates to carry out your mission. Include an overlay sketch and provide a brief discussion of the rationale behind your actions. Submit your solution to the Marine Corps Gazette, Tactical Decision Game #92-7, Box 1775, Quantico, VA 22134. The Gazette will publish the author's and other solutions in the September 1992 issue.